Ava is quite in her mothering glory being the oldest one in the roost. While cleaning up, "Ok, Jentzen...you clean up your part while I play with the balloon."
I wonder what her little chick thought about that? I heard no response, so I'm assuming the Hen was victorious.
Without Me!!!
It's here already. Nathan will be leaving tomorrow for a quick trip around the globe to visit some dear friends, The Appadoos. I almost had a ticket in my name as well...but I just couldn't do it. I surprised myself and I'm pretty sure Nathan wondered where his wife had gone and who was this emotional mess that was next to him. Long story....but I am very confident with my decision to stay home and am actually pretty pumped for the week ahead minus a husband and son.
Life with only 3 kids?!?! I can hardy believe it. I'm thinking it's going to be a breeze and I hope the 3 don't stand up to prove me wrong. I like to think back at my evolution as a mother. When I had Quaid, I hardly went out with him alone. I was scared and nervous about what would or could happen...I didn't want to be one of "those" mothers. I'm sure everyone out there knows what I'm talking about. "Those" moms whose kids are screaming at the top of there lungs, the entire time you're in the store. The one whose kids knocks down an entire display of glass knickknacks shooting shards of glass to all the surrounding shoppers, sending everyone to the emergency room for hours of surgery and lifetime scars. The one whose kids are flailing on the floor in the middle of the isle and spits on you when you try to pick them up. The one whose kids has a total blowout diaper, slimy up the back and leaves a stench lingering trail like a thick fog behind every step, while passing by ole Aunt Tillie who passes out from the gaseous odor and breaks her hip.
Well I guess, maybe it wouldn't be quite that bad...but I wasn't taking the chance. Then comes sweet baby #2. I've somewhat gotten used to being a mom and felt fairly in control of my child. The thought of going out with just 1 child seemed effortless. And then baby #3, which led to outings with 2 children. And now I'm to the point where all 4 is totally doable and the thought of just 3 kids...well that's just a little slice of heaven!! I've got lots planned for the week and am so excited for the different dynamic between the children, being down one brother.
I most likely won't have any photos of the week...I do not like carrying the camera around, and don't really like taking pictures...and cut me some slack...I do still have 3 children with me, I'm not superwoman!
And here's some totally unrelated pics...just because I love them!!
PS...A shameless plug for my beautiful friend Tasha who took these...she's an amazing extremely talented gal and I love her!!
This is yet another Christmas present they got...and have been begging to do. I've been saving it for a cold winter day...and well it's pretty much spring and the snow is almost gone...so it was time.
Jentzen the Pirate, Ava the Princess, and Quaid the Tiger. They are acutally still playing with them. I love getting as much life out of things as I can!!!
Everytime someone comes over they put them on and jump out...freaking out all the other children that come over. It's great fun...don't you want to come visit??
We have this "Zoo" in our toy room. It's the coolest thing to hold all our stuffed animals in one place. When I saw it online...I had to have it. And right when I got it, I had to put it together. And then after I got it together I figured out that it would have been much easier to paint if not together. So here it sits..not painted but serving a purpose...maybe some day it will be a pretty zoo. But this day, I figured out that it can hold more than our stuffed animals....
It's a great place to stash away my crazy monkey named Keira! And quite the monkey she is these days. Her favorite place to be is sitting on top of the kitchen table...which isn't allowed. She has figured out how to put the ottoman up to the stools and climb from there to the stools and then onto the kitchen island...again, not allowed. And then just the other day she pushed the ottoman up to our sofa table, climbed up on that and tried to go fishing in our fish tank...which now holds only 4 fish. Have I mentioned that? Keeping on the "zoo" topic, we went from 6 fish to 4....but 4 are going strong. The two that didn't make it were the scrawny ones...they got stuck, one in the filter and one on a plant. Not sure how long it took me to notice. They were tumbling around the tank for a few days with gills slightly moving until they finally gave in to the ways of nature...only the strong survive. One was identified as one of Jentzen's fish, T-bone, which was named by Jentzen himself. The other is yet to be determined, we weren't quite sure which one it was and the kids weren't really interested in figuring it out...so respectively we're going with Fish #2. Good think I caught Keira or we would have been down to 3 if she had any say about it.
Anyway, back to the dry zoo....I thought I could contain her....but ladies and gentlemen, take cover, hide your children, and lock your pantry...this monkey is breaking free...she is on the loose!!And her favorite food, which is requested at every meal....just happens to be "nana."
The snow is melting. The mud is coming. UGH!!! Daily laundry of coats and snowpants begins. Remember this post? Many more days of that to come. And now I have three to launder instead of 2.
Yesterday Quaid and Ava were out and came in with soaking wet pants and Ava's cute little pink and white striped socks were wringable wet and the color of our driveway. When asking her what happened to her socks...she just giggled, "We were jumping in some puddles."
On a total side note. I took the kids to the Children's Museum by myself today. Remember this post? Two parents lost Jentzen once for about 10 minutes. Well today one parent, still only lost him once and only for about 3 minutes! We're making improvements!! Was I good or what?!?!?
I have been working a lot lately....A LOT. Almost full time for the past few weeks. I'm not sure how my schedule happens like that. As of Feb 22nd I only had 8 hours for the next week and by the 25th I had 35 hours. It just sort of sneaks up on me. We are short a few employees at work, they are desperate, I'm taking advantage of Nathan's school schedule, and covering until he starts his new job on Monday....YEAH!!!
Although I am putting in nearly 40 hours per week...I feel like I'm not working as much as I was when I was working two 10 hour days. That's strange because I'm acutally working twice as much, yet I feel I'm getting twice as much done at home. It's just the different hours. When I'm home all day I get lots done, feel like I get lots of time with the kids, and lots of time to myself. After all I pretty much go into a dazed coma after 8pm when I'm home, but working those late hours is totally doable...the excitment and business of the ER from 8pm-11pm keeps one on their toes no matter the natural body clock. It's the next mornings that are a little rough.
My kids on the other hand have quite a different perspective on my working. I feel like I'm home more...them, not so much.
Between Deb and Ava:
D: "Ava don't breath and touch all over my cup."
A: "Why not?"
D: "Because you're a little sick and I don't want to get sick."
A: "Why not?"
D: Becuase then I won't feel good and won't be able to go work."
A: (pondering) "I think I'm going to get mom sick so she can't go to work."
Oh my heart melts for my little one. She would have me right by her side every moment she's awake...unless the plans are to go to Grandma's house...then I'm immediately set aside into #2 position : )
It's temporary. As I turned the calendar to March today...it looks a lot better. February had one white space day that had nothing written on it...for the whole month. March WILL have a lot more white spaces, or maybe not...just as long as they're filled with trips to the Children's Museum, Bingo nights, and reading times.
But turning to March also brings another bitter sweet day. March 30th. Nathan is leaving with Quaid for 8 whole days to go here .....WITHOUT ME!!!! I will miss them more than words can say. The countdown begins :(