Every day we have quiet/rest time from 1 until 3. At 1 they find something to quietly play together and then at 2, the kids have to pick a few toys and find a spot and no talking, no loud toys, no making any noise all by themselves.
Yesterday rest time turned into nap time. They must have been making up from the lack of sleep on the weekend. Jentzen slept from 12:30 until I woke him up at 4. Quaid and Ava both slept from 2:30-4....they always rest but usually never sleep!! Needless to say, mom had a great afternoon....quiet peaceful time to myself...I love it! I love it more because I knew they were tired and they obviously needed it. I thought I may pay for it came bedtime but straight to bed they went!
Quaid was so precious all cuddled up...he is getting rather big lately...a little dose of what used to be!! And poor Ava must have slumped over mid-play...What a crackup she is!!!
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