Seeing as how I have a bit of a Keira blog bug...I thought I would feed into it a little more...
I always thought that bathtime would be a time I would loved. Cute kids all sudsied up, playing with cute bath toys...laughing and giggling....
Turns out it's kids all wet, crying because they have soap in their eyes, crying because the water is too cold, or too hot, me bending over the tub trying to get them clean, water splashed all over the wall and floor, me getting my socks all wet. Brushing through snarled hair, kids shivering while the lotion goes on, crying because they can't get their undies on because their legs are all sticky, getting their heads stuck in their jammies because their arms are all sticky. Bath time is not my favorite thing to do. I do however love the smell of clean once in a while it actually happens. And I try to always arrange bath days on the nights I'm gone so daddy has to do it :) Don't's not a secret...I'm pretty sure he's caught on by now.
So to alleviate some of the cons about at the Walkington's we've started throwing the kids in our shower...sometimes just the boys, sometimes Ava and Jentzen...sometimes one at a matter the solves almost all the problems...
no wet socks: the showers don't spray outside the door.
no water too hot or cold: it's got an instant hot water heater, so it never goes cold.
no soap in the eyes complaints: somehow it magically doesn't matter if the "shower" gets soap in their eyes, only when it's mom dowsing them with a cup full of water does it hurt.
no back breaking for mom: no bending over the tub...they are always standing.
Not all problems solved...but at least a few...but turns out this particular night, it created another... Turns out Keira likes the shower as well. She was sitting on the floor outside the shower for awhile. I honestly didn't think she would go in. Turns out I was wrong! I turned to get something and in she went...She danced around the shower like crazy! Laughing and giggling the whole her clothes!!
She is such a clown, bet she keeps you on your toes and you have lots of you all Nana
Hahahhaha that is hilarious!! Let you in on a little secret I gave up baths ages ago showers are sooooo much easier!! But that's our secret ok!! Xxx
Hey just wait for the blog I am writing.. all about you in the shower.. pics to follow ;)
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