We are dog sitting for my bestie (that's a hip, trendy term...feels like I just shed 5 years just by using it!!) Deb and her hubby RW. They have Zeke, aka ZeketheFreak Rat Terrier:

Zeke's kind of a formal dog as you can see for the picture...always so put together, don't you think?
For those of you who know me...it goes against every possible belief I have about dogs...that is to actually let one in my house...let alone a sleepover...a 10 day sleepover! But Zeke has skimmied his way into my "acceptable dog" category. I don't mind Zeke, I kind of like him...Kind of, I only said kind of. He is quite amusing and makes me chuckle at his human like qualities and behaviors. And it's great fun to see him get taunted by the kids :)
So Deb and RW are lazing around Mexico for 10 days and we have Zeke. We promptly removed his jingly, jangly dog collar. Well truth be told, I came home from work on his first day with us and noticed he was not as noisy as usual.
Me: "Where's Zeke's collar?"
N: "I don't know...I never heard it all day."
Me: (thinking) "I know he had it on when I left."
N: "I haven't seen it."
Don't worry, I went up to put my PJ's on and found it laying on our bedroom floor, unlatched and all. Not sure how that happened...oh well! I wanted it off anyway...that jingle is enough to send you to the loony bin after a few hours!!
Zeke has made himself quite at home...sitting on all my pillows that the kids conveniently place on the floor and gives me the, "What you lookin at?" look.
He has figured out that Keira is most likely the one to share her lunch...and if he jumps up a little bit she'll stick her hand out for him to lick....they're lunch buddies. A behaviour I KNOW isn't allowed at his house...but hey, I'm the fun babysitter right?!?!?
So tonight we were eating dinner...Zeke right there darting from crumb to crumb snatching all he can.
Q: "When is Zeke's birthday?"
Me: "I don't know...maybe when Deb gets back we can ask her."
A: "Well why don't we just call her in Mexico?"
Me: "It's a long way away, it will cost a lot of money...we'll wait till she gets back."
A: "That's okay, we can call her."
Q: "No Ava! It's a lot of money we don't want to use a lot of money. Then we won't have any money to....(thinking)....to buy Chinese!!!!"
A: "That's okay, grandma can do that for us!"
It's good to know where Quaid's priorities are.
And we only forgot him outside in the freezing cold 2 out of 5 times...not bad in my book!

Never the less...I think Zeke is getting along just fine!
You FORGOT HIM OUTSIDE? Yeah - didn´t think I´d be checking the blog now, did ya? Kidding. :-) You deserve every bite of that brazilian steakhouse when we get back for taking him!!!
PS - You can tell Q that his birthday is November 7,2000.
Haha. funny blog. That picture of Ava is adorable!
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