True Story.
Quaid was working on his school this morning. I start the kids out reading when they're even though Quaid's in Kindergarten, his Phonics is 1st grade. That is a VERY important fact for the rest of the story...Just thought I maybe needed to prove it...for myself that is.
His assignment was to read a word....and underline the root word.
Then he had to write the root word on the line...
Not too I thought. I love how Quaid likes to make his little "a's" like that :)
And yes I know...the pictures are a little fuzzy. I despise cameras and the dumb thing wouldn't take my picture zoomed all the way in...kept blinking green lights at I just kept on turning the little dial one spot at a time until it actually shot for me. How does it know if it's actually in focus or not. Seriously. Irritating. So cut me some slack.Oops, how'd that get in there...see I told you I'm challenged when it comes to the picture thing. Seems that we had a white bird outside our house. I'm not sure how that fits...but just go with it.
So here's where the problem came in..."axes" I saw it coming and I stared and stared at it. Is the root just "ax" and add "es" or is it "axe" and just add the "s". I went back and forth...both ways didn't seem quite right...or was it both ways did seem right? So Quaid got to this one and looked at me a little puzzled..."so it's "axe" for the root and "s" is the ending?"
I had no idea.
"Sure" I said. Problem solved.
As I thought about it more this morning. I do think it's "ax" and I think thisis where I went terribly wrong. I stare at this in my shower daily. Okay, for those of you who really know me, not daily. I supposed more bi-daily. I stare at it with a small piece of resentment of its odoriferous (don't worry, I spell checked that one, it's right) content.
If your husband ever says, "Hey honey, I'm thinking about getting some "man wash," how 'bout I try some AXE."
Unless you would like to fumigate your whole house...really, the WHOLE house!
Anyway, at least it was 1st grade and not Kindergarten Phonics...right?? See I told you that was an important fact!
At least my kids will always be able to say, "Sorry, I was home schooled."
Bi-daily showers----I think that might be a stretch. Bi-weekly?
Oh boy i take my hat off to you for home schooling in the first place!!!!!your'e a legend!!!!
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