So it's been some time since I've sat down for a write. Seems I haven't totally managed how to find time to do it all. So for my faithful readers, I apologize but something has to give. I'm okay with letting one ball drop and I'm okay with it being the blog.
I always get told, "Wow, you must be busy!" upon mentioning my children's ages, and the fact that I homeschool, and work. And my answer has always been, "Yeah, kind of." I've never really felt that busy. I'm sort of a goer and doer so I like keeping my day full of things to do so it's sort of enjoyable for me to have a list and get things done.
I think the day has finally come...I AM BUSY! Yes, I am and I'm shouting if from the rooftops! This past week has left me with no time at all left at the end of the day, going to bed too late, and (gasp) not everything done on my daily lists of things to do.
I've added a few subjects to homeschooling now that Quaid is in 1st grade I thought perhaps I should take it a little more seriously. I've got so much I want to do with them and teach them, I realized that it's not all going to get done, and they'll be just fine with whatever I can't get to. But instead of 1 hour max like last year...I'm now into the 3-4 hours a day between all of them....and would like to do more...
I've got that blasted garden to tend to. Some days it's the land of Hades....
I have worked between 32 and 40 hours per week so far and will continue to do so during the month of August. It just sort of snuck up on me. Sometimes I'm just too nice and accommodating.
School has been going well....I think...maybe I should ask the kids! It seems we have accomplished something so far. The kids have learned maybe 1 or two things in the 2 weeks since we've started. Their most remembered, thanks to Ms. DD, Professor of Science, would be Mentos and Diet Coke have an explosive relationship!
On a side note, I get asked a lot what I use or how do I pick a curriculum. Next week I aim to list everything I'm currently using and why.
It's been super hot and muggy which has sent our garden into overdrive. Honestly, if I have to look at one more green bean, I might fall over dead!! If anyone wants pick 'em, you take 'em!! Take note for next year....50 feet of green beans is too many. 25 feet of peas...not enough.
Currently my mind is reeling from the past few weeks, all that I've been doing, all I need to do. It's really a mess and I just want to shut if I'll leave you with what happens when mom works and daddy is home with the kids...At least they put their mud boots on right??
My sweet Keira or maybe Hitler exfoliated her teeth.
Does is really get any lower than this? I have to say by the time I got home these pictures were the only evidence of this behavior. The kids were squeaky clean and laundry was in the washing machine and not a trace of mud around the house. Pretty sure the kids are way more into the mud pit instead of the sandbox, which is this holes' intended purpose. Oh finished soon!!
Okay, enough. My precious time is ticking...I've got 6 hours worth of work to fit in the next two hours. First up...making a batch of puppy chow for our much needed trip to the cabin this weekend. YUM!!!
Oh that is priceless Kaz. Look at their faces they are having a ball. Mmm you will have to talk to me about this homeschooling business, it is looking more attractive everyday.
Busy yep with you on that one, but I don't have 4 & I havne't been working that many hours. You are a constant amazement & a legend in my book.
I feel like it is so busy I can't even get my folding done. Dad got a guy to look at the computer & he said wow cleanest computer Ive seen. Dad says yeah my daughter likes a clean house......mmmm not in the last month. It is trashed. Could you send nath over to play in the mud & clean up my kids too??!! (:
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