I realize this is going back a bit...way back to September 23rd. Sorry to bore you, but there are a few reasons for it:
1. I'm way behind, I forgot I never finished the "Ode to the Brewins"
2. It's December, and raining, not snowing...but raining. Except tomorrow it will be ice, and I thought you all needed some reading material after spinning into the ditch...Hope you have 3G!
3. I don't even know what 3G means...does that have anything to do with Internet capability and phones? I don't know, and don't want to know....I just saw it on a commercial.
4. We all need a little Summer reminder in the middle of the winter, don't we?
Now, I've never been a fan of professional sports. I'd rather watch college anything over professional. But we had a blast!! It was one of our favorite things we did! I would for sure go back! I think it was just being outdoors...baseball was meant to be played outdoors!
It was beautiful, we had great seats (Thanks Jason!), and I got cheese curds.
Or it could have been so great because I was sitting next to this hunky hunk. I know, I'm a lucky gal. Don't be too jealous...Jealously has never done anyone any good.
Then on the walk back to our car, we saw this:
Mel likes buildings, the architecture, the oldness of it. I say, "Oh neat." Then I turn my head and keep walking. We've got more important things to see.
I wouldn't have made their visit to the Twin Cities complete without seeing this: Beautiful. And it looks like the cherry is leaking on Anth's head. Cool.
ha I do love architecture!!! weird I know.
I even loved more spending time with you guys doing COOL things!!!
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