This was the sight of my kitchen one day last week. To be honest, it's the sight of my kitchen today and well...pretty much every day!But the great part is it's usually my kids job, not mine :) Except that day.
It was finally nice out. Daddy had just put up the trampoline and the sand was yelling for my kids to come and sink their feet in. And of course the cousins were over. My niece Jacqueline is 11 and is Ava's perfect play mate. Despite Ava being quite the mother hen, when ever there is an older girl around she quite enjoys being mother-henned herself.
So I was happy to let the kids ditch their chores for the day and soak up the beautiful weather with their cousins.And the boys? I couldn't seem to find cousin Sam, Quaid, and Jentzen. All I know is they went darting out of the house with 3 pocket knives, a screwdriver, and a hammer. I pretended I didn't see that, started humming a happy little tune, and went about my dish duties.
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