The Birthday Girl!
Ava turned 6 today!! I can still remember Ava as a newborn...and now 6 years later, she's a fine little lady.
She is caring and compassionate to others, always thinking of others wants and needs. Well almost always, she is still a normal kid :) Giving up something of hers if someone else really wants it is no big deal to her. I remember when Quaid would be bummed if he was losing a game....Ava would slip her matches or points to Quaid so he wouldn't feel bad....even if that meant she had none. She's always willing to give up her color of bowl or cup to her little sister or brother. Are my kids the only ones who fight over what color of bowl or plate they eat with?? It's always amazing to me what things seem like the end of the world to a child!!
Ava loves to play ball, get dirty, and ride bikes with her brothers. But hair bows, nail polish, and sparkly pink things are also an equal love of hers. She loves being a little mother, always wanting to handle situations. Listening to her is always a good gauge of what I sound like as a parent...the good and the bad :) She despises brushing her hair and despite making sure her clothes "look good on her" she's perfectly comfortable with leaving the house with a rats nest on her head! Knowing every little detail of everyone's life in our house is a necessity, not much slides past her. If I'm missing anything...Ava knows where it is....unless she is the one that misplaced it...then it's lost forever :)
She is learning to be a bit sneaky and work the system with mom a little bit to get what she wants always making sure to sound so sweet and if she's doing me a favor....which can be a good quality if groomed correctly....oh the pressures of a parent!!
I love having real conversations with her. I love to hear her opinion of life and her understanding of things that happen. Her facial expressions light up a room and also show everything on her sleeve. The girl will be a terrible poker player some day!
Ava is the glue in our family...always making sure every one has what they need, helping when I need help, and will do anything for her siblings. I can picture her being the one they all run to and depend on.Quaid and Jentzen both colored Ava birthday pictures and wrapped them up and gave them to her. It was the cutest thing.
Jentzen was so excited to see Ava open his picture!!
We love you Ava and can't wait to see what your next year brings!!!
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