Thursday, December 29, 2011

Keira's hair that is...It still irritates me every time I look at her and see 1/8" bangs all across the front of her head. It's okay, it's my issue...I'll get over it. It will grow about 5 years I'm guessing.

Jentzen told Nathan about another kid in his MMA class, (they are the same size and are always partners when they are both there) "I could choke him out and probably snap his arm!"

His other buddy there is the instructor's little boy. He's only 4 so he doesn't participate in the actual class yet, but I'm sure he knows a thing or two. They play together before and after class. It might be the other kid saying that about Jentzen soon :)

Quaid got a remote control helicopter from Uncle Bob (thanks!) and now Nathan has morphed back into his inner child and wants to get one of his own.

Ava got games for Christmas...I can't wait to play them with her....Saturday. I'll be done working on Saturday :)


DWNUNDR said...

wants.. remember... I did buy one.. just waiting for tomorrow when it should arrive hahaha

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