I got this idea from Deb, who got it from someones blog. I'd give them credit but I can't find it anymore.
It deals with the issue of my kids stuff laying around the house and me telling them numerous times to put it away.
In comes "the box" and it works like this...
1. The kids leave their things laying around.
2. I tell them to pick it up.
3. They don't pick it up.
4. I still see it laying around.
5. It gets put in the box.
6. They have to pick a slip from the envelope in the box and do whatever it says if they want it back.
The slips in the box day all sorts of things. Some of them are fun (run around the house yelling, "I love mommy!!!"), some are not so fun (clean up your siblings room). Some of them are easy (draw a picture for daddy), some of them not so easy (vacuum under the couch cushions).
So far it's worked like a dream....kind of. Since the kids helped me make the slips to go into the envelope, they know what they say. Like I said, there are fun ones....one being the jackpot of all slips, "Stay up late and have a treat with daddy." (It would be mom and dad, but I go to bed at 8pm and in my kid's world, that's not late and daddy's more fun anyways.) So in the hopes of drawing that one, the kids have asked that their things could be put in the box. "Mom, I left this laying out, can I put it in the box and pick a slip...PPUUUULLLLEEEASE!!!!!"
So maybe showing the kids what was on the slips wasn't such a good idea. Anyway, shortly after this started, Nathan thought he was just hilarious, saw my boots laying in the kitchen, brought them into the office, and said, "Well honey, don't you think you should be the example? These boots were just laying the kitchen, I don't think that's where they belong." And then proceeded to open the lid and drop them in. The kids were dying in laughter. They thought it was the best EVER!
"Ummmm, Nathan dear, do you really want to go there? Would you like me to put everything of yours I find laying around in the box also...after all, we both are examples for the kids."
He sat for a minute, got up, opened the lid, took them out and stated, "I think your mom does enough around the house kids to make up for her boots in the kitchen."
A wise man I tell ya, a VERY wise man.
bahahahah that is sooo funny & so anthony!!!
Why is it Dads' are the fun bags. not fair I tell ya.
yeah Grandads are fun too!!! :)
yes I am.... all of those things...
the funnest and VERY wise haha
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