Friday, March 30, 2012

We were blessed this evening by receiving  take out Chinese form dinner from my mom.  It's a family favorite.  Not only because we love the food, but because I didn't have to cook.  If I was given one "out" as a home would be cooking.  I wouldn't miss it one bit.  I could never cook another meal in my life and be just fine.

The kids were also mentioning how thankful they are that Grandma also get them McDonalds occasionally when they spend the day with her....

A:  "Wow Grandma is so nice she gave us money to buy this food and she gets McDonalds sometimes when we're there.....but not every time.  We'd get sick if we ate too much McDonalds."

Dad:  "Yeah, and too big of a belly."

J:  "....And OLD!!!  from such a long trip." 


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