Jentzen loves movies...there's just no other way to say it. Out of all our kids...he asks the most for movie night, movie morning, movie afternoon, movies, movies, movies.
Friday and Saturday are movie nights...and he knows it.
Last night, Monday night, he asked for some special reading time with me before going to bed. All the other kids were put to bed and he grabbed a book and crawled into bed with me. We cuddled as he read his book. He kissed me and hugged me and told me how much he loves me. Then in the sweetest little voice...."Mom, could we have special movie time when we wake up?"
Me: "No Jentzen, it's not movie time tomorrow."
J: "Well we could just do it special tomorrow."
Me: "How come you love movies so much?"
J: "Well because we can learn about God and learn the true things we're supposed to be learning!"
He just about caught me with that one....I almost said, "You're right Jentzen! We'll find a good movie to watch tomorrow!" Almost, he almost got me! Was his whole evening of reading, hugging, and loving all in the plan?? Either way, how I held strong to his precious little smile and charm, I'm not sure. Maybe next time I won't....
Haa haa you'llnever know,how cute bit like his Father ha was always trying to con me.
I think Ive finally found my pword for trhis if it works i guess ill know!
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