Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Things

Where to start catching up...well I'm not sure, so just some random thoughts....

It's June....summer :)  We haven't had breakfast before 9am.  We have lazy mornings but still manage to accomplish a few things.  Schooling is on the DL.  We read with the goal of going to Chuck E Cheese at the end of the summer.  The kids are totally motivated.  We've been working on counting money and making change.  I've wanted to scream a few times...seems I still haven't quite figured out how numbers work in each of my kids's all very different from kid to kid. 

We went to the beach this week for the first time.  I feel like it's been the first fun thing I've done all summer.  Seems that my co-workers like to take vacations in June and I have a problem saying, "No, I will not work for you."

Every weekend is booked until the end of September, save one Friday night.  Lots of fun cabin weekends with friends, friends from out of town, Boy Scouts, and Twins game.  It's for sure a good busy :)

Keira is always worried about figuring out who her "Best Buddy" is for the day.  When it happens to be Jentzen, they've got some ground rules covered.  "If we bite each other then we're not Best Buddies."  Good, glad to know they have it under control. 

Nathan grauduated from college.  Whoo Hooo!  I'm so proud of him.  Something 5 years ago, I thought would never happen...he has exceeded my expectations!!

We got stuck in the middle of the lake on a pontoon with a dead battery.  Nathan saved the day for us.  Of course he did.  He's our knight in shining armor....or I guess maybe our knight in green seaweed armor. 

We're planning the finer details of our trip to see Nathan's family.  I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.  It can't come soon enough.  Melanie and I are a kindred spirit...all the way across the ocean in two different worlds, we are so the same.  Well, except for that whole scrap booking thing....I think she's crazy :)  The kids will actually remember this trip and we have no kids taking a nap, no diapers, and no bottles.  It's going to be one big party!!  And we're bringing our 13 year old niece along for the ride.  I couldn't be more excited to show her the down under mother-land.  And she's never seen the ocean either.  There is something about the ocean and I couldn't be more happy to be the one who gets to show her the best beaches ever!!  She's scared of sharks and seems to think they'll be looming close to shore just waiting for's going to be awesome.  Pretty sure a fake, strap on shark fin and a brother-in-law that can swim under water from far away hidden distances will be in order!!

Nathan had to lead the 4 year old Sunday school class all by himself, I was working.  Oh how I would have liked to be a fly on that wall!!

Ava turned 7....Nathan put "Ava's 8th birthday" on Facebook.  Classic.

My goal was to have a joyful, relaxed summer....we're doing just that!


Melanie B said...

Oh yes kindred spirits we are. Sometimes that is why I am depressed that we don't live near each other (apart from the scrapbooking of course).
We so have to come do a summer over there, would be fun.
I can't wait for our holidays either & you know what Ant would probably strap on a shark fin just for Jaq. bhaahahha how funny would that be. Just tell her what Ant says to me (as I am totally afraid of sharks eating us too) we have more chance of falling out of the sky in an airplane than being eaten by sharks....mmm he hasn't seen the news obviously!!!
Love you don't work too hard. Wish my summer looked like that. I miss the beach!!!!

M xxx

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