On Monday we were on our way home from dinner out. Nathan had Quaid in his car and I had the other 3. When I got home, Nathan told me of his conversations with Quaid....I'll try to get it close...I'm sure will let me know if I don't :)
Quaid: "Hey dad, wanna hear a joke?"
(I didn't even know Quaid knew what a joke was!)
N: "Sure."
Q: "Why did the elephant fall out of the tree?"
N: "I don't know, why?"
Q: (giggling) "Because he was dead!!"
(Quaid is learning the concept of "dead" and therefore everything with the word dead is high on his radar)
Q: "Wanna hear another one?"
N: "Sure, Quaid."
Q: "Why did the bee get married?"
N: "Why?"
Q: "Because he found a honey!!!"
I know, maybe they're not that high on the "funniest joke list" but we were totally cracking up. He just came up with that out of the blue, and did a great job telling us. He was sure to tell me also when we got home. It truly is the little things that bring joy to a parent!!
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