Yesterday was work day for me which usually means I am up and gone before the kids even wake up and Nathan gets them all off to grandma's in the morning. I usually do not see what goes on in the process. Yesterday was quite different...not a usual morning at all.
I was downstairs, well into my working morning routine when I heard a half crying, "DDAAAADDDYY!" It was Jentzen. That boy is in a daddy stage through and through right now. When he's home, I can hardly look at him without him getting cranky at dare I look at him when daddy is home!! Daddy should be looking at him, not me!!
How dare I...forgive me while I jet off in a different direction just for a moment, I have a thought, I'll get back to my story...
We were on our way to our friend's house to check out their new baby. We were driving through their neighborhood. As we passed by some people walking in the street.
A: "Mom! Those people shouldn't be walking in the street, should they!"
Me: "No Ava, we stay on the very side don't we."
A: "Yeah they could get hurt."
J: (in his most adult (2 year old) forceful tone) "HOW DARE THEY!!!!"
So funny to me how they pick up such adult sayings...and usually use them in the right context!!
Anyway, back to my morning...So I hear Jentzen crying for daddy was only about 6:15am and I know that Nathan probably wouldn't want him up yet. I ran up there quickly and told him to go back to sleep and daddy will come and wake him up when it's time to get up.
He was fine for awhile, but after I was back downstairs I heard his little pitter pattering feet upstairs....And then I see Ava on the stairs. She never wants to miss anything so when she hears anything she is up and adam to see what she's missing...
Then I heard Quaid upstairs...and then shortly after Keira starts we go!!
I was running around trying to get ready for work trying to help as much as I could with the the time I left. Keira was crying in her swing, wanting to be fed, the water was running full force on hot trying to unthaw her milk from the freezer...Jentzen was crying because he couldn't get his shirt on, Ava was saying she wanted to eat...Ava's normal tone and volume is closer to a shout, and Quaid was running down the stairs shouting to make sure he was heard over everyone else "Bye...I love you mom!!!" Nathan was downstairs boiling his water for his coffee...which is really loud and has annoying high pitched squeaking sounds. It was not the normal scene when I leave in the morning.
I was getting a bit tense as I looked around the room seeing all that was happening and all that had to be done. This is totally normal for the day time...but I am used to nice quiet mornings...this was not! I really had to go so I wouldn't be late but I wanted to help.
I went near Nathan to try to find Keira's plug and help out with maybe one more thing before I ran out of the house and he just leaned down to kiss me goodbye and said "she's ok"....I stopped quickly to look back...he totally had it all under control. He had the water going on Keira's milk, she would indeed be just fine crying for a minute or two. He was grabbing the bottle on his way back to the sink getting Ava some cereal, threw Jentzen's shirt on him and up he went on the stool to eat as well. He was just calm and calm could be. What an awesome dad. It made me feel quite good to know that while I was at work...Nathan was at home doing a great job with the kids. Maybe this might be the normal scene in the morning before Nathan goes to work. If so...kudos to him!
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