If you all know Nathan as well as I do there's nothing greater than something with wheels. He loves his car, always thinks it needs to go faster, and Dyno number is never big enough.
I on the other hand think that my grocery-go-getter Dodge Caravan with 100,000+ miles on it has plenty of kick for me...(alright, I admit, when I do get to drive Nathan's car...I of course "give it a little").
But I do like to be a bit of dare devil. For my graduation present from highschool my mom and dad funded a skydiving trip. Nothing says Goodbye to your last out of six children to finally leave the house like throwing them out of a plane does it?!?! Thanks mom and dad!!!
And also for my senior class trip I did a little bungee jumping. It was only 50 ft at Wisconsin Dells and the guy manning the station had to push me off....I would have NEVER jumped alone.
This brings us to the photos...The best of both worlds!!
Nathan and I have been saving up for something special. We didn't know what it would be but figured along the course of lifetime there would be something that we would put our little stash of moola towards. We wanted it to be something we could do as a family and something we could pass down to our kids. We finally found it!!
It's called Power Parachuting!! Here is a little description...
A powered parachute (motorized parachute, PPC, paraplane) is a parachute with motor and wheels. The aircraft's airspeed is typically about 25–35 mph (40–60 km/h). PPCs operate safely at heights ranging from a few feet off the ground (while ground skimming, a popular use of the aircraft) to altitudes as high as 18,000+ feet (5.5 km). But typical operating heights are between 500 and 1500 feet (150–500 meters). Equipped with the standard 5 or 10 gallon fuel tank, PPCs can typically be flown for about three hours. They have very short take-off and landing rolls, sometimes less than 100 ft (30 m).
When we found this, we KNEW this was for us!! So here are finally the pics. Nathan on his maiden voyage with a friend that also has one. The first is taken from our front door and they are flying just over my parents house. The second ones are a little closer shots. YEAH RIGHT??!?!?! AS IF?!?!?! You're right....you guessed it....just a story. But how cool are they?!?! There was one true part...they did just fly right over our house so that means the real owners are near by....so if you're out there and reading this...I WANT A RIDE!!!
Oh boy glad you were kidding us!NO i DONT want a reide thanks very much,Nanna Anne in Australia
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