I can't recall why an outfit change was needed one evening, but I assume it was a matter of life and death. She's a typical girl. I'm sure she just NEEDED a new outfit. She ran into the laundry room where I had a basket of laundry. She comes running out past the office and out the front door. I took a glance...shirt...check...pants...check...shoes...check. It is necessary to make sure all three are there...sometimes they aren't!
Wait a minute...pants?? What is she wearing??
Me: "Ava...what are you wearing for shorts?"
A: "I don't know?"
Me: "Ava, those are Keira's!"
A: "Yeah I know, I couldn't find mine and they were on the top."
Ava has always been petite and at least a year behind on any size of clothes normally for her age...but Keira's 3-6 month capris?? Yes they were a little snug in the rear section and her little thighs do fill them out completely....but 3-6 months!!! Maybe she needs a few more late night bowls of ice cream!!!And yes, she did wear those for the rest of the evening....running and playing just fine in them!
PS Sorry for the underline...I couldn't figure out how to get it off and my computer savvy hubby wasn't home....I typed this PS later and what do you know...it's magically fixed...AAAHHH computers I love them except for when they don't do what I want them to...then I nearly throw them out the window!!
Soooooooo cute!!! She is a petite one isn't she!!! Loooove the pink boots xxxx
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