1. Our garden is finally producing in abundance, despite our late planting and hassling comments from the husbands...2. The actual picking, washing, cutting, and packaging part of gardening is my least favorite. I'd rather pull weeds.
3. I love storms, but lately I lay in bed planning our evacuation plan in case I start hearing our roof being torn off...I almost want to make our whole family sleep in the basement at the sound of one rain drop.
4. Scanning approximately 1000 pages of home school books nearly drives you mad.
5. Starting home school in August really takes some mental preparation and lying to one's self.
6. Starting home school for 2 1/2 kids proves how neurotically organized I like to be and how much I like spreadsheets and three ring binders perfectly labeled. I'm sure there's a name for it.
7. I like having company over that will love me even though my house is disgustingly dirty.
8. Having clean floors is better than cheesecake.
9. Washing my floors is my least favorite cleaning chore.
10. The cabin is my favorite place to be and I feel ridiculously blessed because of it.
11. It's sad that a 1st grade History Lesson will teach me just as much as the kids. Leif Erickson?? Who's that??
12. The trampoline installation was a success and provides hours of fun for everyone!
13. The best sound in the world is to hear my kids laughing and giggling with daddy.
14. An equally great sound is absolute silence because my whole family is outside and I'm inside.
15. A husband who does the dishes and sweeps my floor makes my skirt fly up.
16. I have a friend whose skirt actually flew up one day in a public place with a big audience. It reminds me that things could always be worse.
17. I'm going to end my list on number 17. It goes against everything I believe in about the world being in balance but I'm going to use it as a character building exercise.
Love this post!!!!
We would have the perfect relationship you could weed & I would do te other stuff I hate weeding!!
Never realized how much we have in common lol!!
Can't wait to see you & eat that produce!!!
who knew that all I had to to was clean to get that skirt to fly up.. but really... its easier then that Ive found so why would I clean.. ha hah a JK
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