In the summer we try and go to the cabin every weekend we can. We love it, it's what we do best. And when the cabin is being used by someone else...I usually work. But this weekend, there is no cabin, and I didn't work. We had things to do.
I first started out by getting a hold of the weed infestation in my started out ugly and now look at it...isn't it beautiful?!?!I don't even care if the kids hassle me about our corn situation...Our corn is the short stuff in sporatic rows that half grew in...
See that corn directly behind ours? Yeah, that's the farmers...tell me about it. I hear it everytime we drive along our gravel road and the kids are looking out the windows in any general direction..."Wow Mom...Look at that farmers' corn!! It sure is tall...I wish our corn looked like that!"
And then there's my broccoli...something's eating the leaves...I'm not impressed...any suggestions?? We live on organic land so I don't put one drop of weed or bug killer so that's not an option...theres' got to be something. I had thought about putting vinegar around the roots? Seems vingear is a cure all for everything...I should look into that...
And just in case you don't think that I acutally did it all.....Blisters to prove it...That big one under my middle finger. It hurts and turns out I overcompensated by using my wrist some how. That bandaid is covering a big raw patch on my wrist. And then the hugely anticipated project. We have some drainage issues behind our house. Our back yard is always a big swamp. So we are digging a 100 ft ditch with a drain tile. I'm not sure why they call it drain tile. It's actually a tube. I'm sure man named it. We rented one of these things and then I closed my eyes...."Please Please don't knock a hole in the side of the house" said with fingers crossed, hopping on one leg after throwing salt over my shoulder.
It was totally the salt...I opened my eyes and house still intact!
While Nathan did that, I did this...the other part of our project. When I got this far I remembered that little hernia I have from birthing 4 children in 4 years.
It's bigger now.
While reading the instructions (I'm a woman, I read the instructions for everything) I noticed that there was a whole dedicated section on how to jump. Really? No words for that.The kids of course had to have a ride....Is that legal?
While Daddy was finishing up the kids had a go on the trampoline. They have been on that thing all day. We are digging a big hole for it to sit in so it's level to the ground. I'd rather NOT have to drive the the ER with visual sight of an ulna.
And before I knew it.....Victory! A trench, a husband, and a house all still standing! My man continues to amaze me. I'd still be reading the instruction manual!!
The progress will be updated tomorrow. There's a bigger hole, retaining wall blocks, a sandbox...and I'm pretty sure a nice dirtbike jump made from the excess dirt that doesn't have a home in the lineup. Remember that ulna...yeah, I guess I'll be closing my eyes after that dirt finds it's proper home.
For the bugs try garlic in water then spray the leaves with that mixture or warm soapy water, think vinegar may kill the plants!Poor bugs they gotta eat too!!!!
oh and those blisters look SORE ouch!Wow sounds like the drainage problem is being fixed by a professional at last! Love you guysxxxxx
Man didnt name the drain tile cause it would have been name DRAIN (insert phallic reference here) hahaha
And I too have a blister from shoveling the drainage rock...
I think I may have piles from sitting in the machinery for the last 10 hours...
but yes this will look great... just may take another week of work at this rate.. oh well back to it..
ps garden looks good..
kaz every time I read your writing I am on the floor. You really are very funny. Ooooohhh the drain looks good (I will probably be in the same boat if we ever renovate!!) & I know the rest of your garden was great, so you know we'll get over the corn, not sure quaid will though!! LOL The girls are gonna love the tramp!!! Not long now!! m xxx
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