This morning started out a little slow. Our kids really took to having a "big sister" around.Jentzen took to Georgia like stink on poop.
Sorry about the poop reference. It's just on my mind lately as I've been dealing quite a bit with the brown death...Keira potty training and all.
We ventured into town to watch my neice Kayla play volleyball. She's the one at the net. It's so fun to watch. Can't wait till my kids get to play big kid sports. The kids were somewhat less impressed with Kayla's mad skills.
Keira made a new friend that day as well. This picture just makes me think ahead to when they're older and will be sneaking secrets back and forth as teenagers. It's sad to think they won't have each other day to day to laugh, giggle, do hair....and of course plot against the four parents together.
And to top off another great day...popcorn. Everything in America is bigger. Even the popcorn. Mel was a big fan of my 2.5 pound jug...GO COSTCO!!! And it's just not popcorn unless it's in an old school air popper with a paper bag.It's 7:45am. I'm hungry. I'm going to go make some popcorn and go to bed. Pretty sure the kids can fend for themselves today. Afterall, 6 is a totally capable age to lead the troops.
LOL. I really do like your popcorn have had it in my cart from amazon since I came home!!! Hahahahhaha and 6 is totally capable. I want to join you, too tired to do the seaworld thing today!!!
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