We spend this day at Sever's Corn Maze. I was always a bit skeptical until we went last year....and Oh My! We'll be going every year from now on. So much fun! And so much more than just a walk through a corn field.
There's a big giant slide. Ava...the smiles tell it all. These faces, I'm a little less sure about. I think by the end of it they were okay...I think.
I love dads...and I love the fact that dads get suckered into all the kids things...and moms get to stand by the sideline and hold their jackets and half eaten food.
And it's a good thing that this Dad is easily suckered...otherwise I'm pretty sure Jentzen would have been launched off the slide.
And I'm pretty sure there wasn't much suckering involved...I think Nathan was equally entertained.
At this point I'm thinking that Dad is about to be launched as well!
Phew! All ended well. And no complaints from Jentzen...or Daddy.
Then on to the most fun part of it all. The Giant Corn Pit. If you're a little irritated by the price of corn these days...you can blame the corn pit. There's enough corn in here to feed a small country...but Oh is it worth it!!! Keira catapulted herself into this time and time again.
This was my favorite part too...I could have played around in here all day long. And we did for a huge part of the day. Do you know how many crevasses it's possible to get corn lodged? Well if you take a look at beautiful Olivia...at her hair....at her beautiful turquoise shirt...a little lower...a little lower. Yep that's it. The crack. Pretty sure that poor girl spent more time mining for corn than actually playing the poor thing. Lack of cheeks...it's really a curse...no matter how tight the pants are...it's just never tight enough to do the job. Ask my kids...they know this life way too well.
It was just a few weeks back and I was still finding corn kernels around my house...2 months later.
And then there's the hay bale maze. Giant hay bales that are set up like a maze...but it's much more fun to run on top. I tried to take the mom stance of holding all the coats, purses etc. And just watch from the sidelines...but Keira would have none of that. Nathan conveniently paired himself with the older kids which have leg lengths that are conducive to hay bale jumping. I, on the other hand, was stuck with not only all the purses and coats but also the child with the shortest legs.
Now I myself hardly have legs long enough to jump from bale to bale....let alone helping my baby. Nothing like a nice struggling rear shot...Thanks Mel. But if you can't embarrass yourself on your own blog...then what's the point. No, I don't need help...Nope, don't worry about me...Don't I look totally under control? As I almost go splits, rip by pants in half, and knock my head on the hay bale...Nope, don't worry, our baby is just fine. And Me? Well never mind me.
Petting zoos are always fun. And they do have freakishly weird animals for a corn field in Shakopee. But what do the Aussies choose to befriend? The deer, the common pesky, better off dead deer.
Their deer equivalent is the kangaroo believe it or not. The pesky thing that totals your car and is way over populated.
Then there's the Ostrich. I think we all know not to mess with the Ostrich. Nathan was just teaching Jentzen this very valuable lesson...as he almost got his eye snatched out and his nose bitten off. Seriously...this is a kids place!
More deer...Blah!
And last but not least...Pig Races. That's it.
No more to mention...that's about all the time we spent on the Pig Races.
In my opinion...head back to the Corn Pit....you'll thank me.
hahahah we loved that place!!! You will never believe it but guess what I found last night in my clean washing.....yep you guessed it a piece of corn, brought over here 20,0000 miles on a plane to good old Australia. I was laughing soooo hard!!!
M xx
Looks like fun was had by all,love the face on Nathan coming down the slide,fraid I would be with you Karen on the sidelines ,watching n havin fun!
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