Anthony's project while Nathan was at school was to get the 4 wheeler (or Quad Bike if your an Aussie) running. It hasn't run in years.But thanks to Anthony the kids have tons of fun roaming around the yard.
Oh to see the green grass will come again soon.
We had to hit up this local shop. It has the HUGEST assortment of candy. We let all the kids pick out one treat. Olivia picked out a Bounty...which comes from Australia. Seriously.
We did a little apple picking. I love walking through apple orchards. There is nothing better than an apple right off the tree.
This picture makes us look a bit herd-like. Oh my sweet this girl!
And Oh My! Can't you just taste it with him?!?!
I am missing seeing the girls grow...and I miss seeing all the cousins play together.
Don't you just hate getting bits caught in your teeth?
Keira gave me a look the other day and I could have sworn I was looking right at Livi! It's crazy how yet a world close. Keira was a bit tuckered out. Don't worry about the Desitin near her...she just likes to eat it.
Oh my gosh Karen i can see what you mean, it is like looking at Liv think they might be cousins!!!!Lovely photos
Then other photos she is so like you,all gorgeous of course!
the Quad hadnt run cause I was too busy to be bothered... I am surprised Anth had time to fix it with all the workshop cleaning and re-arranging he did... hahaha
It's safer for him to ride! :)
hahahaah love the photos!! See crapbooking comes in handy sometimes doesn't it!!! You can definately see family resemblences. They are all GORGEOUS. LOL
M xx
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