Keira wandered into my bathroom the other day. And such a helper that she is...decided that she would take on the task of washing her hair by herself. The problem comes when she chose the wrong bottle....This is what she chose....Did you miss what it was?
That's right 100% pure petroleum her hair...almost half the tube!!! Have you ever used petroleum jelly? Have you ever felt the consistency of petroleum jelly? Well let's just say that hair cleaner is NOT one of it's 101 uses that I'm sure it has.
Here's the story of how and how NOT to take care of the problem. It all started with me under estimating the strength and resilience of said jelly. I thought...well it's a some good shampoo should get it right out. I scrubbed and scrubbed, scratched, and scratched her little head.
All cleaned up...ready to dry off and re clothe.
Clothes back on...and hair dried off....well at least that's what I thought. The shampoo didn't even touch it. Bummer....I panicked and told Nathan of the predicament I was in. He did what every good dad would do...he Googled.
He found some information that corn starch would soak up the jelly easy peasy. So over the sink she went....and corn starch applied... She wasn't quite sure what was happening....She did not like laying with her head off the sink...
She was relived when she was done with the first application. She strangely looked like Benjamin Button....a prematurely gray haired toddler.
It was right before nap time so time was of the essence. The directions also said to wash it out with a good clarifying shampoo. Not sure that I had that, I grabbed for the closest thing I could find. Pantene.
We scrubbed and scrubbed again. I washed and washed. Dried the hair and wasn't super impressed with the end result. Granted I didn't leave the corn starch in her hair very long...I still thought it would do a bit better of a job. As you can didn't. At this moment Ava came walking into the kitchen with sort of an unexpected comment.
A: "Mom, now the sink smells like Deb!"
Me: "What?"
A: "The smells like Deb now."
Me: "Well I used this's that that you smell."
A: "Yeah I smells like Deb."
I happen to like the smell of I'm going with compliment. But I'll let you all decide for yourself :)
Turns out...Daddy knows best. Egg. Lots of raw beaten eggs...that's what removes petroleum jelly from hair. Quite well I might add.
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