I was thinking of what I should write about today...it's been awhile so I figured I should pick something.
I was going to write about how my boys are sledding outside in the mud right now. How much I love to watch them giggle, get muddy and just be boys.
Then I thought of how much I love that Ava would rather stay inside and play a game with me than go outside. She's just like me. You would be very hard pressed to come up with anything I'd rather do than sit with someone and play a game. My sweet Ava is the same. Shes asks me about 72 times a day to play a game with her....and I have yet to find something that she will willingly go do in the place of playing a game.
Then I was going to write today about my little Keira who is growing up to be such a little girl and not so much a baby. And how we can sit and have a conversation about herself talking completely in the 3rd person. And how logical she has become. This morning Quaid and Ava asked her to jump up real high and then land on her bum (not sure...don't ask)...She looked at them and said, "But I might cry!"
But then Daddy walked through the door from school and brought home his latest project...How Cool!! Spinning tops for the family. For all of you who ask me, "He's going to school for machining...what is that?" Well this is it. Take a solid piece of metal and create this!
And now this is an experienced dad of four....
Initials stamped on each one!! That's my man.
Not that my kids would ever fight over which one was theirs...no never...not in this house.
And as Ava is right here beside me reading what I'm typing...she says to me, "Why didn't you type, 'Hey babe, where's mine?' You said that, remember?"
So glad I have such a qualified editor.
they are very COOL. I want one too. LOL.
Don't you love it when they can read!!! Georgie keeps doing that to me so I have to watch it now. LOL.
Miss you.
M xx
PS my kids never fight either!!! *wink*
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