It did this last night...
And this...What's worse than one truck in the ditch? Two trucks in the ditch. My brother Mark, and Nathan. Thank goodness for nice neighbors with big tractors. We had overnight guests....5 of them. And thank goodness I've got a stock of new toothbrushes.
And I'm going to use those things to think that this is related...That's my arm. And what are those two slightly damp spots? They came from the nose of this thing...
She just sat on my lap...looked at me and then proceeded to bend her head down and swipe her nose right across my sleeve. She then looked up at me as if nothing had happened. Nice.
Good thing it snowed...I'm not leaving the house today. She must have known. See, I told you they were totally related. I knew you were wondering.
PS...the big government snow plow creamed our it's not standing it's not in one piece anymore. Don't send mail.
WOW that is some snow. WIsh I was there......REALLLY!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn't leave the house either lol.
I was going to send you mail too, bummer (:
Love you miss you. Give that snotty nose kid a big kiss!!!!!
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