...I don't want to forget:
Keira: "Mom? Can I play my puter game?"
Me: "No, you don't have a computer game."
Keira: "Mom? Can I do my spelling test?"
She's a wise one. She knows the kids do their spelling online. She's seen them use "school" as a way to get on the net. (Remember the movie, "The Net" with Sandra Bullock? I do. Just sayin'.)
Jentzen: "Keira! We're going to be best buddies for 39 days, Okay?" (I wonder what will happen on day 40.)
Ava: "Keira, don't hit your head on the floor too hard...you'll get a headache." (She's such a mother.)
Quaid has experienced a pulled muscle for the first time this morning...
Q: "Mom, is there something on my back?"
Me: "No, it's a sore muscle...you can't see it."
Q: "Uggghhh, it really hurts when I do this..." (bending and twisting in a way I'm not sure that my 30 year old body even bends anymore)
Me: "Well then don't do that." (It's the same logic when we say, "This really stinks...smell it!)
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