I love....
...that I'd rather be home than at work, even though going to work is way easier.
...the fact that we have tickets booked to see my Aussie family...even though it's 10 months away it just feels closer with a ticket with my name on it.
...my homemade Apple Crisp, I think it's better than any other kinds I've tried.
...being a hero to my kids because I can kick start their dirt bikes.
...that my kids like to dirt bike for hours on end, so I get to watch them through the window from a dead silent house.
...living in the field next to my parents.
...watching Hallmark Movies.
...that Quaid is becoming a little man and how his relationship with his Daddy is growing.
...Ava's thoughtfulness to others.
...Jentzen's passion for life.
...Keira's need to still cuddle with me.
...Nathan...plain and simple, I love him.
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