Since Nathan's website isn't up and running yet. It should be soon. He is working like mad on it...I thought I would add a few pictures.
A glorious thing happened yesterday in our home...but you'll have to wait till tomorrow for that post :) I'll leave you all wondering.......
I'll leave you with one little conversation between Ava and I.
Me: "Ava, you can play with stickers but I want you to pick 2 sheets and use those and put the rest away."
Ava: "Okay mom...only 2??"
Me: "Yes Ava, only 2 sheets."
I then was easily distracted playing a game of Hand and Foot with Deb as the kids were sitting nicely at the counter. I turned a few mintues later...well could have been a lot of minutes later. Does time really matter when you're playing cards???
Me: "Ava, I told you 2 sheets. Why do you have every sheet out on the counter and using them all?"
Ava: "Because you weren't looking at me, mom."
Guess I have to keep working on this one!!
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