Keira has started to smile as of last week. I always love this time because it's when you really feel rewarded for all the work you've put in, like they really appreciate you. It's when they start giving back. She not only flashes a gummy grin, it's the whole big open mouth with a big coo. It's so precious.
Usually I have to work at it a little bit...start smiling at her real big, talking in that baby talk that all mom's do whether they try to or not. It's almost as if we think that babies can't hear us if we talk in a normal voice. Then comes the big smile.
But....in the middle of the night it's a very different story. I go to pick her up...trying to keep myself half asleep. As soon as we exit the closet and get into the light (Yes, my child sleeps in our closet...we have not set the crib up yet and she dosen't have her own room, so even if we did have the crib set up she still wouldn't be in there...my trust level with Ava in the same room is not quite there yet...not until Keira can at least hold her own.) We also have no curtains on our windows yet, which are quite large in our bedroom so the full moon reflecting off the acres of snow is really quite bright...so anyway as soon as she sees me, comes a huge giggling grin...over and over and over. It doesn't matter if I'm looking at her or not...away she grins. Even while feeding her, she smiles as much as she can with still managing to keep eating. It is so cute....but I'm pretty sure it would be alot cuter at say 3 in the afternoon instead of 3 in the morning!! Oh little miss Keira, if only you knew that your little night time fun will be ending in a few short weeks!!!
This was the best pic I could get...during the day that is....If it was 3am you'd have a stunner!!
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