So it was "happy hour" at the Walkington's a few days ago. That time between 4:30 and 6 when kids just kind of go nuts...for babies it's fussy time, for toddlers it's get into everything time, for Quaid and Ava it's crazy time. They are more wild than normal, running, yelling, laughing. This is when rules get pushed. I'm not sure why but it just is. And of course this happens to be the time when my hubby is coming home and we're trying to discuss whatever needs discussing, every child has an emergency at the very same moment...Keira needs to be changed and put to nap, Jentzen has decided that he can do a puzzle all by himself and then very quickly finds out that he needs help, Ava has to have a book read to her at that very moment and Quaid is stuck in his incredible Hulk costume, can't reach the zipper and is doing the "I have to pee" dance, the noodles for are boiling over because I forgot to turn them down....It's not always this crazy...sometimes not at all, and sometimes now that the picture is painted....
Ava had done something, I don't even remember what but Nathan had sent her to her bed until dinner...we were getting dinner ready and then I thought...where is Ava? I don't hear her...which almost never happens so what was she doing. I caller her name.....nothing....I went upstairs to tell her she could come down...and found this....

She had obviously missed her nap time...and crazy time had gotten a little too crazy for her to handle!
(Yes I do let my kids have blankets when they sleep...they were in the more thing I was trying to do during happy hour!)
OMG Kaz what a crackup. Know about crazy time, glad to know I am human & all kids are crazy!!!
PS Just worked out why my comments haven't been working!!!!
HAHAHa. this is so funny. this is something that Liv would do!!!
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