Our dear friends Deb and Wayne are the greatest. We have become quite close over the past years. One of the great qualities we both possess is that we are NEVER BUSY! Either one of us can be quite assured that if we are sitting home that guarantees that the others are too and calling on Friday night at 6:30pm and asking what the plans are for the night always brings a, "Nothing, you? Okay we'll be right over" response. And that is followed by my saying, "What are you bringing us for dinner?" without any thought that might be offensive to some. Or occasionally, "Nope, I don't feel like coming over, I'm staying home." How many of you can say that about your friends??? There's not planning 1 month out, throwing out 15 dates just to find one that works for the both of us.
Deb also works at St Francis...they work her hard there...currently a whole 3 days per week! I know, I know...tough stuff :) That leaves a whole 2 days per week that is left open to play cards and entertain my children!!
When I decided to home school, Deb immediately got the title, Director of project, craft time, and boring field trips that all young school age children should be forced to go to even though at 10 years old...who really cares about politics and the art museum.
So this "Ode to Deb" will be a continued series of all the crafty things that Deb has come up with. The kids can't wait for "Project Time" with Deb!! All you fellow homeschoolers or parents who are just looking for something fun to do...might want to get some pen and paper and take notes...I've been pretty impressed so far!
This was apron day. Deb got aprons, puff paint, stamps, and iron ons.Not sure what Ava is doing here...I just like the picture. I'm sure it was something very very important, vital to apron completion.
I looked and looked...Can't find a pic of the completed project. But I'm sure you can tell...they were pretty cool! And the kids are sure to bring them out EVERY time they do anything with me in the kitchen.
The day after these were done, I was making eggs...so the kids got them out...made me tie them on so they fit just right...hopped up on the counter and cracked one egg each. Got down, and took them off.
"Mom! We can't cook without our aprons on!!!" was the response I was given when asked why did they need them on for just 1 egg.
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