So since I have spent so much time ignoring my blog because of said, "Cabin Trips" Just thought I'd post a few of my favorite photos. We spend a lot of time just sitting on the boat in the lake. So peaceful...I love it!! Ava dancing away while her brother "feeds the fish." (No not really but looks like it, doesn't it??)
Nathan practicing to be a boat model. Any scouts out there? You don't want to miss this one!!!
Keira has been awesome on all of our weekends. Getting occasional naps in the boat, being woke up at any hour for another trip on the boat. Keeping her up till 10pm so we can have a night time cruise...she's the best!!!
This was a happy pose...Ava's a little behind...still back on the "Silly Face" pose.
The kids favorite place to be...hanging with dad!
In the evening, it gets a little buggy...Quaid took it on himself to kill them all with his "sand toy" aka: the kitchen spoon. He was quite happy with all his kills in full view on the back of the spoon. All of you coming to the cabin in the future...might want to stick with finger food:)
Ava, enjoying a little snack after all her kills.....
And where was Jentzen this whole time? Of course in his usual spot, taking a nap. He laid face down and slept on the boat for 1.5 hours every day. And was usually in this spot when he wasn't sleeping! Silly Boy!
I'm not really a water person. Going in knee deep is plenty to me. But Ava wanted to go tubing...what a sacrifice I made huh!
A perfect way to end the weekend!
WOW great photos!!! Wish we were there looks like a hoot!!! Miss you.....
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