Yep that's right...shoot er up...her ears that is. I get both responses..."How could you do that??" and also, "Oh how cute, good to do it when she won't remember it!"
I tend to go with the second. Really...look at this face and those cute little ears. She cried for 1 second and then was done. I was right there to comfort her back to her usual smily self. It has never bothered my when my kids cry. Yes I do feel bad for them, but let's face it, it's part of life. Parents can't fix everything. Not everything is going to be fun and happy. The longer they believe that, the more disappointed they will be when real life hits. Even though things that happen through life hurt, a lot of them are for the better and only help us with all that will be coming in the future. Kind of like those (sorry if you're one of them) that ALWAYS lets their kids win when playing games. Sure maybe when they're 2...but 10? Life doesn't always let them win and if you don't train them to deal with disappointment and losing, again, what a shocker when real life hits. Our job as parents are to train and prepare them to be on their own. How is that possible when you train them to live in a "wishful world." So really I was just teaching her that life is painful, but it will pass :)
Wow! Who knew that ear piercing had such valuable life lessons! Maybe I should get my boys done too so they don't miss out!!! So for all of you who think how mean...see I was just preparing her for the future...she will be sad many times ahead I'm sure...and I'll always try to be right there to give her a cuddle as it passes! And if you notice...she's is up on all fours. She doesn't have the full crawl accomplished but she does get scooting around to what she wants. Oh no!!!
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