...and for those of you wondering, Yes, just one.
I've found
this website. My dearest DD took it on as her personal challenge to prove me wrong when I made the now totally ignorant statement of, "I couldn't possibly lower my grocery bill, it's already bare bones!" With the exception of Coke which I see as a necessary balance to my diet. And then there's coffee which, let's face it, is Nathan's nectar, his breath of life, his manna from the sky. If it wasn't there...well we just don't even imagine that.
Every year I get a "cost of living" or "inflation" or "we'll give you a few pennies so we don't have to train someone new" raise. That is supposed to count for the cost of taxes, fuel prices, clothes, and food costs all going up a little. What it doesn't take into count is stomach inflation. I no longer have baby tummies to fill...but big kid tummies to fill. So when Quaid politely asks for his cereal bowl to be refilled for the 4th sometimes 5th time of a morning...where is the "your kids (aka herd of grazing cows) are getting bigger" raise??
So with the support of DD she led me through the murky waters of sale finding, coupon clipping, and cart bashing. Well maybe not cart bashing, but maybe...if you get in the way of me and my sale product you just might get a firm nudge in the ankles, by complete accident from my cart who just happened to have a mind of it's own. You know that one...when you were 8 years old pushing the cart for your mom and while gazing at all the fruit snacks, Oreo's and other untouchable grocery items placed exactly at kid eye level. All of a sudden, smack! right into your mom's Achilles, followed by immediately removing the dagger from your cornea caused by glare to glare combat. So if it's Wednesday morning, and you happen to find yourself in my isle, I promise, it's wasn't on purpose...really, I had no idea I was that close to you!
One of the highly coveted items in my house is cereal. All my kids, all 5 of them, LOVE cereal. Turns out an almost weekly deal is cereal...well I decided to stock up, and up and up.

See I told you I had a problem...37 boxes. Yes, 37. Well and then of course there are the ones that are open and currently being eaten.

Now buying my kids sugar balls, sugar flakes, and sugar "O's" isn't really my style. But when I get them for pennies a box...it's just hard to say no. And don't worry, I've found myself a perfect justification: Healthy lunch, healthy dinner, healthy snacks inbetween...there's no reason why their treat can't be for breakfast. I mean, techincally they're getting their treat after dinner...is there a rule on how long after dinner the treat in question should be given? No, you say? That's right, that's what I thought. Every kid needs at least a little sugar? or maybe 5 bowls of it?
Well, whatever...they love it (obviously, what kid wouldn't) and get super excited to pick out what box they're going to open next.
But seeing as how I am plum out of room in my cereal section in my pantry...I'm going to be having a garage sale at DD's house in May and yes, I'll be selling my cereal. Yes, I'm serious.
The cereal section isn't the only thing happenin' in my pantry,

Spaghetti anyone?? Or maybe you'd be interested in few PB saniches?

I've managed to stock up on a few of these...

And to go with those, a few of these...

And to polish yourself off, a few of these...

The first step: Admitting you have a problem. Well, I have a problem. I'm looking for cereal support group, anyone know of one in the Minneapolis area?
And for those of you wondering...I've managed to stock up on all this while cutting my grocery spending nearly in half!!
I shall refrain from saying "I told you so." Nope, I won't say it :-) And STOP CALLING ME DD! I know what it stands for and I DON'T LIKE IT! ;-)
I'm glad you have admitted this! I think Moo and I could have told you this a few weeks ago! :)
But we still love you!
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