I had a little something happen last weekend that brought about this post. I should be a little embarrassed but, well, I'm just not. Let's just say some of our friends came for dinner and were joined by some relatives on the ride home... "those" relatives. The ones that we all wish would never come for a visit...ever. You know, Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rhea. The horror, I cringe at the thought of them too! So for the sake of never seeing them again, the fridge was an issue. So here's the current condition of said fridge.

This is the top...nothing really out of the ordinary. Some milk, juice, English muffins, a water bottle, cream (for Nathan's nasty nightly cereal
bowl) eggs,
yoghurt (free!), eggs (all free!), lots of tub butter (there was a great deal), and some leftover hamburger from taco salads.

This it he bottom half...some carrots (free!), apples, cherry tomatoes (free!), cheese and lunch meat. And my favorite part...see the partially peeled orange in the middle drawer on the left? Ava decided she wanted and orange, then decided it was too hard to peel, then decided she didn't want to wait for me to help her and threw it back in the drawer. She then proceeded to grab another one just to see if it was easier and repeated the whole process over again....FIVE times! Talk about diligence!

And last but not least the fridge door which was where those "relatives" started their journey. And for the sake that the cousins would join in the road trip next time, I decided to check on a few death certificates that I forgot to sign and a few family funerals that I have missed...

Now here is good ole' Mr. Ranch. He's a kind, gentle soul with just a little kick in his step. He spent many days on the family estate, Pantry Prairie. I bring him up first because he poses and interesting question that involves a few others next to him.

The Date of Death (DOD) on him was Jan 22, 2010. Well it's now April and well, he's till taking up residence in the fridge. I just opened him up a week or 2 ago. Does that count? If I kept him sealed this whole time does he get an extended life? Is he now maybe just in assisted living as opposed to the casket? Doesn't he still have a few good days left?? I'm taking a survey...what's your opinion? Be honest, he can handle it.

Miss Fanny French, the mother of Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rhea. There's no saving her, she's got to go!
DOD: May 09, 2006

Little Boy Zesty...or just Zest the Pest for short.
DOD:September 4, 2009

Kum Kee, he runs the Prairie's first Martial Arts Center, he's been fighting off the inevitable for a long time.
DOD: August 16, 2008

Mr. A. He, like Mr. Ranch, was Lee
Kum Kee's first student, and has been preparing for his big debut fight in solitude for quite some time. He was introduced to the public two weeks ago...doesn't he still have a lot of fight left in him? Don't tell me he gets
KO'd in the first round? Shouldn't he get a second chance?
DOD: January 27, 2009

And then good for
nuthin' Miss Prissy Lucy Lemon. She's just kind of irritated everyone since the day she got here...I'm totally okay with seeing her go. I don't have much use for her.
DOD: May 4, 2008

Mr. Dan, he's the track coach...keeps everyone in shape. He did take a brief sabbatical to help Mr. A train and only returned a few days ago. He's in good shape, he should last well past his life expectancy right?
DOD: April 26, 2010

Ms. Suzy Sour. She was a gift, I paid nothing for her so she's near and dear to me as well. I'd hate to see her go as I coddled her for the first stages of her life and well, she's still hasn't completely opened up to me yet. Doesn't she get a chance too??
DOD: February 16, 2010
So it's your turn to answer my 2 question survey:
1. Do you go by the expiration date, or how long since you actually opened it?
2. Who do you have living in the fridge, and how late are you to their respected funeral?
This is for all of you that have been flagged as secret blog readers. Pony up and comment!!
And you'll help me to sleep at night knowing I'm not the only one who has disgusting things in my fridge.
OMG you are crack up funny!!! I am shocked knowing how much of a perfectionist you are. I do not have any old stuff in my fridge!! My pantry well that is never to go into!!! LOL. I used to be a freak but you know 3 kids busy life.......oh forget it they won't put it on your gravestone. Plus once I cleaned dad's cupboard out where he tried to feed us curry sauce from 2007, nothing would shock me!!! bahahahahaahha
Gee whiz Mel, they hadn't been opened and we all know they are only recommended dates to satisfy health authorities. Anyway I threw out the stuff from 2002. It's OK Kaz I understand fully.
Funny how the years run away and suddenly your food is out of date,happens to us all.I'm not suprised with working etc who has the time or the inclination to check the fridge when we're sure we only bought that a few weeks ago. Where did that time go?
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