when you're husband is cutting your hair.....Yes that's right, I let Nathan cut my hair and here's the story about how it all went down.
I despise getting my hair cut. I dislike everything about it, well almost everything.
#1 The Call:
Calling to make the appointment irritates me. I have to find a time, a day, that works for me and find somewhere for my kids to go, then find that same time and day that works with my stylist...okay that's sort of a lie. I don't really have a "stylist." I used to but she had to go have kids and quit. How dare she leave me like that!! And if I do find someone to watch my kids...I hardly want to waste it getting my hair cut!

#2 The Check In:
I don't like checking in with all those girls that are so put together with the new latest and greatest hair colors and styles. I sort of feel like they're looking at me thinking, "Oh honey, it's going to take a lot more than a haircut to fix that!!"

#3 The Question:
"So what are we going to do today?" Really? Do you really have to ask? Can't you see I obviously do nothing with my hair...does it even look like I have a style? The same obvious answer of course...just clean it up, a few inches, take off the 2453 split ends.

#4 The Hair wash:
I actually like this part...except that they always get a bucket of water in my ears and I have a thing about getting water in my ears. I don't even put my head underwater when I swim. Weird I know, get over it. So I guess I don't really like this part either.

#5 The Actual Haircut:
I don't really mind this part...except staring at myself in the mirror for 45 minutes, that I could do without. Shoot, another negative.

#6 The "Style":
So how do you want me to style it?" Again...do I look like I have a style? Do I look like I EVER do anything with my hair? Quit looking at me strange when I tell you, just leave it wet. A) I never do it anyway, so why start now and B) why would start today and actually have to pay for it!!

#7 The Bill:
Well it's just plain robbery. Enough said! Do you have this in your backyard???

So this leads to Nathan cutting my hair. Here's a few snippets (excuse the pun :O) from our conversations during said haircut.
It all starts by walking out to his shop and having a seat on his mechanic's chair. Getting your haircut in a work shop, that's a red flag. Some might not think so, but take note, IT IS! Would you want to get your haircut here??
N: "About that much?"

K: "Ummmm, why don't you go a little less...just in case you screw up, I don't want to be bald."
N: (with a smirky grin, scissors in hand) "hhhmmmmmm."

K: "Well, it shouldn't be too hard, it's not like I asked you to do layers."
N: "Well, you got'em!!!"

N: "
hhhhmmmmm," he then darts over to his tool box, opening and slamming all the drawers, rummaging through each one.
What on earth could there possibly be in his TOOL BOX that would help my hair??? Again, RED FLAG!!
N: "Oh s**t." (That's never a good sign)
N: "I told you I wasn't a stylist...why do you think they go to school for it? It's like me asking them to change oil!"
K: "So how's it going?"
N: "Well, there's just one part that's being a little more difficult."

Difficult? Difficult? What does that mean??
I get up, look at the floor to assess the damage of the cut hair. "Well it looks like it's all the same length."

N: "Except that part there, it's longer than the rest. Don't worry, there's just one shorter part...it's underneath so you won't even notice it."
Truth be told...he did pretty well. I had to make a few snips this morning. I asked a friend of mine at work that was a stylist back in the day, the report: "He did pretty well, looks like one side is longer than the other, but it's not too noticeable.
Well worth my time and money to take a chance on the N-ster. He can only get better right??
damn right.. and where else can you get a hairstylist who cuts your hair naked... oh wait.. that didnt happen last night ;)
Oh my gosh Karen you are sooo funny. I have to agree though I have put mine off now for 6 months, shocking. I can't handle water in my ears either, hate paying the money cause I think it's a rip and I can never do it how they do, what's the point never have the time to do it anyway. I woulnt let ant do it though I would be bald!!!! Hahahahaha nath always did his own hair he was always pretty good at it. Not sure I would trust him though lol!!!
ps yeah us two high maintenance girls will really get pedicures we will talk ourselves out of it!!! Bahahahhahaha
Wow I didn't know Nathan had these kinds of skills.
Hahah. I didnt know I could laugh so hard! You are the best!
Did he wear a big gold neck chain and have his shirt open down to the....middle of his chest?
Last time I saw him cutting hair he used an electric shear and gouged a pattern in the stubble. Have you looked at the back of your head yet?
You and Mel better not ask him for a pedicure he might use the disc grinder!
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