So Nathan is a online auction junkie. Not that we buy much, but it's interesting to see what's out there. He found this last night and I thought it was totally blog worthy.
Jentzen broke a baby food jar all over the floor.
Quaid threw Keira's shoe on the roof.
Ava beat me in every game we played.
Keira fell in the mud numerous times while wandering aimlessly in the yard.
A perfect day!
Quaid is a drawer. He draws and draws all day long. He has never really been one for coloring books. He likes to make his own pictures. If there is ever any down time, he has papers and crayons. He'd trade his books in at rest time and bed time for crayons anyday. And honestly he is better than me. I'm not just sayin' that cause he's my kid. He really is. I have absolutely none, zip, zero, zilch talent in the artistic area. I struggle to draw a smiley face. There was no greater torture for me than arts and crafts time in school, or being told to illustrate a story. I despised every minute of it. The same is true in the musical area. I was in the "percussion" group. Yeah, they let me play the crash cymbals. That's what they do with the kids who have no rhythm whatsoever. It was for sure one time when, "I can't" was a perfectly acceptable answer. I always hoped that my kids would be somewhat talented in either are.
Well, my boy Quaid can draw. And he's creative. I have piles and piles of pirate ships, castles, dinosaurs, and race cars. Lately he's into copying this motorcycle...
Not bad for a 5...(almost 6!!) year old...truth is, it's better than I could do!
As if this resting spot wasn't weird enough...Really...what's with my kids?? My sweet Ava NEEDS to be everywhere I am. I was working on my computer in the office...and well, that meant that she wanted to be in the office. Which left her but one option...the chair.
So Jentzen...he's the coolest isn't he? I think so. He's got this awesome little speech glitch. Awesome most of the time...sometimes it's a bit irritating more so to Nathan than to me. He can totally says his "S" know how some kids have a hard time with that one. Well not Jentzen, there's no Syd the Sloth lisp for him (come on Jess, do the reenactment...I know you want to :)...he's got it down pat. Except that is when it's the first letter of a word that's followed by another consonant. What words would those be? A few examples of Jentzen Talk...
Spot = pot
Spit = pit
Scoot = coot
Spank = pank
Sting = ting
Well you get the picture. It's strange because if there's a vowel right after it, he says it perfectly, like in: sing, sit, sand, etc...
So I get:
"Mom, can you coot me in to the table?"
"Mom, Quaid pit at me!"
"Jentzen, what happens if you do that?" "You pank me!"
"Mom, that bee is going to ting me...GET IT GET IT!!"
And my most favorite:
"Mom, I found my resting pot!!"
Every day the kids need to get their books, find a spot and stay there for the next 20 years. Well maybe just the next two hours and have reading/resting time. It's reading time for Quaid, the others usually fall asleep. As you see...Jentzen chose the stairs for his resting there he rests.
BTW...we are correcting him, so hopefully he won't be talking like that when he's 27. And then it becomes..."sssssssssssss pot." He still sort of seperates it. I get a kick out of him, and know I'm going to miss his cute little sounds sooner than later!
Seems mother nature fights back when you disrupt her solemnness and dump a huge man made hunk of wood, tile, and paint right in the middle of her. She sort of sunk down in sadness, creating chasms down to her core hoping to devour the small intruders that jump back and forth. Big tanks of...well...."human waste" isn't exactly her favorite thing to we fought back harder and filled them right back up. Come on Ms. Nature and take it like a man! Nathan was preparing if for grass seed so no one would notice the crap under our lawn...literally.
Little miss helper her grabbed her rake and joined on in. Hey!! (banging on the window) let me get a good shot..quit avoiding the lense!!
Well looks like that's enough working for Ava, she has graduated into supervisory mode assessing the work progress.
Careful not to offend dear daddy, she just touched up a few spots he had missed when he wasn't looking. Thanks Ava, for making sure it's all ship-shape.
So Keira has been picking up a few words here and there.
Word #1: Shirt
No we all know that kids have trouble with saying the letter "r." So take out the letter "r" and that's what she says. Nice.
Word #3: Sit
This she learned as we were grocery shopping and she continually tried to climb out of the cart. She also has perfected the word "shoe." So pretty much the "sh" sound comes out in any word that's remotely close. Say the "sh" sound for the "s" in "sit" and that's what she says. Nice.
So I've been bugging Nathan to make my blog look "pretty." I don't know how to change it, nor do I even want to attempt. So he finally did it.
I like it. It's sort of reminds me we live in the country, my favorite color is green , and that girl...she looks EXACTLY like me don't you think?? I love showing my mid-drift, lots of dangly jewelry, and I bet she's about 5'10"just like me!!! It's pretty scary really...someone must have gotten my picture!!
So really, all my readers....all 2 of you...what do you think????
PS: don't worry about offending Nathan, he's a big boy, he can handle it!
Like this Mom? Are you sure? I really have to use this silly spoon? I could think of an easier way, but fine, I'll give it a try.
Quit staring at me...I'm doin' my best!!! I don't like this, not one bit!Remember that easier way I was thinking of? This is how I start, please please can I give it a try??
Then I do this...a little bit closer, closer, closer...
Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about...Mom? Can you hear me? Are you takin' notes??
Good idea! Get a pic from the front. The more angles you have, the easier it will be for you to learn!
And there you have wasn't that so much easier?!?!?