Okay, I think I have recovered from the incident 2 days ago (read previous post if you're confused...or don't and just stay confused...it works for me). I'm now walking normally through the house (shudder).
We went bowling when Emma was here. I LOVE bowling. I mean really LOVE it. I'd go every week if I could. We ditched Keira and took along my neice Jacqueline, and nephew Sam.
Just a fore-warning...Most of the pictures were taken by this handsome lad:
And this cheeky, sneaky girl:Jentzen was stellar at bowling. He just told the ball where to go and VIOLA!
In case you're wondering...they must not bowl in Australia...the "E", that stand for Emma. Those little dashes all in a row...they stand for zero, as in gutter ball. Emma claims that "Jentzen was helping her." Sure he was.
This is Sam...at least the top half of him.
And this is a blurry Quaid post-bowl. But the true sight in this picture is the guy in the background. Look at that form! Perfection. I hope to be like him someday.
Emma, with all 8 layers she wore that day. Including her jacket, which seemed to be needed indoors, where it's heated, where it's "warm." Does anyone see Jentzen helping her? I think not.
Ava giving the ball a good chuck down the alley. If you release a ball say 2 1/2 feet off the ground...it makes a big bang...and the pros down the lane all turn and stare.
And here's Jacq...loading up Jentzen. She's a beautiful, helpful girl. Oh how I love her so. And she's taller than me. She's 11. It's okay, don't worry, I've accepted it.From Ava after she snapped off this award winning picture..."Oops, I missed her head!"
Guess Who??There we go...that's a bit better.
Ava got the biggest kick out of taking a picture of her feet. She laughed...and laughed...and laughed. Oh to be that easily entertained!
This...well this...is just the ball ramp.
And this is the ball ramp....with Jentzen. Oops...Ava has a problem with the head thing.
There we go!! How's that for an action shot!
Hhhmmmmm....things must have not gone so well on this trip down the lane.
And to wrap it up...
Oooohhhhhhh isn't that the cutest!!!
LOVE IT. Hey why didn't we go bowling!! I LOVE bowling!! crack up photos by the way.....
M xx
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