So am I a total dork that I forgot to post anything about Christmas...and am I a bigger dork to do it February?
I don't care...I'm going with it.
This is the first year we've gotten our kids presents. Last year we spent a night in a hotel with a little waterpark. I'm all about memories...and Nathan's a gift guy. So we did one present each this year and we'll see what happens next year. I just think our kids have so much already, I'd rather create the memories. But I'm not going to lie. It is fun to see their faces beam when the rip open the paper.
Keria got some necklaces and play-doh. One of which she promptly ripped apart and the beads went flying all over the kitchen floor. Pretty sure I swept up another one just last week!
Jentzen got the Rex from toy story. He loves dinosaurs. Ava got Spin Sorry. She loves games so I made sure to pick out one that I wanted to play too :)
Quaid got a Superman dress up. He loves dressing up and flying around the house.
Me, I got a Ipod shuffle....very unexpectedly. We agreed not to get eachother anything. But Nathan being the gift guy he is couldn't resist. I'm pretty sure he thought he owed me for being the best wife ever. I do not like technology, I don't like to figure out how things work, I don't like being confused. I had a Shuffle years ago and it broke and I've wanted another one ever since. How thoughtful, right? And I even know how to work it. Turn on. Push play. LOVE IT!
After our little family opening we headed to my Parent's house for the big Pahl family gathering...all 26 of us. Bob wasn't in town yet. But he did send a classic Bob present...He got my neice Jacqueline the entire US quarter collection....but that's not it. He wrapped each quarter individually, with 2000 layers of paper. It brings me back to when I was little he brought in this huge garbage bag. I pulled off the bag, to find another bag, and then another bag, and then a bog, and another box...etc....all of which were taped up with duct tape. It took me what felt like hours to open it and inside was a brick. Yes, that's right, a brick. Just some old thing he found in my dad's shed. He had been joking for weeks that's what he had gotten me as I was begging him to give me a clue to what he really got me. I'm glad to see he hasn't lost it.
Keira got a ball from Nancy and Jose. One of those squishy, squirmy things. She LOVED it!! She wouldn't put it down the entire night.
And then there were the pillow pets. All the little ones got them. For sure their hightlight of Christmas.
Oh, and there's Keira with her ball....again.
Quaid and his favorite....LEGOS!!!
Ava got a play kitchen to go in the toy room, and of course, what's a kitchen without some food. And Keira with her ball yet again.
She also got a crayon maker. My vacuum is going to protest me soon if I keep sucking up broken crayons. This just may stop that from happening.
Who needs presents when there's bubble wrap.
My other sisters (I was busy that day, I didn't try to ditch on purpose :) made a photo book for my parents. It was very cool. We all got a copy. It's great to have pictuers of the extended family all in one spot. I know it's something that will be cherished by everyone.
And last but not least...all the grandkids...together in one place! And Keira with her ball one last time.
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