Valentine's Day.
If anyone knows me at all, they should be quite certain that I don't like Holidays...I could skip every single one and be just fine. Yeah, Yeah I know. I guess that it's not that I dislike them, but I could just not have them and still live a happy life.
All of them are over-commercialized, over hyped, turned into some sort of money sucker. The history and origin of each and everyone isn't necessarily something that I want to celebrate. Sure sure, we all put our own spin on them so it's something that lines up with our social, religious, and political beliefs. Fun Sucker Me, I know.
But we had a Homeschool Valentine's Party...I wanted to go to get the kids together with all the rest in our group, I knew the kids would have fun...and I knew I couldn't come without any Valentine's. I was forced into it. I was fully prepared to just buy some store bought cards, stuff some candy in and be done with it.
But my dear friend Deb just happened to find the cutest homemade idea. She helps me put a little fun back into the Holidays.
It all started with the sucker.Some tissue paper...
And some pipe cleaners...sparkly ones.
And then the disaster began. Quaid opted for the photojournalist side of the project over the creative side.
Keeping the kids focused was a little tough.
But I finally got them going. Wrapping each sucker with tissue paper.
These were balloons which the girls were giving as their Valentines.
I don't have any pictures of the bomb making process because Daddy was in charge of those. I had to work so begrudgingly he made all of them for me. What a guy. He always comes through for me!
The kids then had to write a name on each one. I wish I could take credit for those seriously cute tags...but they were a total Deb thing. It's she great?!?! They totally made the whole thing. Aren't they cute?
And here are the bombs...made completely by Nathan. Isn't he great??
The party was fun, the kids had a blast.
In the 10 years that Nathan and I have been together...we have never done anything for Valentine's Day...not that I can remember anyway. (I hope that doesn't get me into trouble!) I am sort of an unexpected thing at an unexpected time just for no reason sort of a girl. But this year he came home with a single red rose. It was a beautiful, unexpected surprise. I would rather get one single flower over a bouquet any day.
I love my man, and he loves me!
I keep forgetting to come here as I read on facebook!!
Careful kaz people will start to think you like craft!!!! Bahahahahahha love it totally cute!!!!
M xxx
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