That we had to go the Mall of America...more affectionately known as the MOA.
How often do you locals go? I try to never go there...unless I really have to. Like if I have to go to a store there that's not anywhere else. Most often....the Apple Store....with Nathan....because he crashed his Mac again...
(he he he...sorry honey, I had to!)
It is actually fun to go with a foreigner. It kind of makes you step back and realize how pretty cool it is....
Like a restaurant full of aquariums, animals hanging off the ceiling through a jungle canopy.A store that sells a burger and fries....FOR YOUR DOG! Seriously!
Let's not forget one of those stores that as soon as you step inside you know that you're seriously out of place, as a conservative mom type wouldn't be caught dead in any article of clothing sold in that store. A store that is also small enough that you can't really walk in without being completely noticed by the store clerk who sort of looks at you strangely and trys not to be awkward while your foreigner friend insists that you take a picture sitting on a couch shaped like a big set of lips.
Gotta have a picture with something local. And while you're posing for the picture state for the record, "I don't even know who the Vikings are or what sport they play!"
Oh yeah, there's a roller coaster and many other amusement rides INSIDE the mall. If you're a local...isn't really that big of a deal because you've seen it 100 times and it just makes sense being winter takes up 2/3 of the year. Unfortunately it's seriously over priced and plays on parents desperation's during mid January to get their kids out of the house to let off some steam. But let's all think back to the first time we saw it.....It is indeed pretty cool.
And last but not least...the most hugest, giganticest flag of the U S of A.
Do you think Perkins tops this off?
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