Friday, December 16, 2011

The Stink Eye

So my kids have the stink eye, I mean pink eye. It's all the same. They should rename it...because it stinks! Pretty sure I'd rather have my kids puking!

Luckily Quaid came down with it this morning. Four out of four...we're perfect over here at the Walkington's!

Yesterday we had our home school co-op. We only have it every other Thursday so missing a day is like missing a month. But thinking of the others, I decided to have a quality afternoon with Ava in the foyer keeping her as far from the others as I could. She had a bit of stink eye leftovers...I'm thoughtful like that...sometimes :)

They were having a Christmas party, Irish Tea, and lots of fun. But we came prepared. We had colors, books, and cards. What could be better?

The part that really warmed my heart is that Ava didn't complain one bit. When I told her what we were going to do, she jumped and cheered. The thought of an afternoon with just her and her mom playing cards and hanging out out weighed the other fun things she could have been doing. If she had a choice...she would have chose me. And being one who values the very same thing...I was a happy momma!

I love that she values quality time...I love that she really wants to connect with people. When someone is unhappy, she wants to help. I hope she always values people over anything else.


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