Friday, May 14, 2010

Closer to the doubles

Quaid is 6 today. 6. Six. That means he's closer to double digits than single. Scary. This seems to be the first year that it really registers that it's his birthday, that it's his special day. He's been counting down the days all week. "I just can't wait till it's my birthday!" I've been hearing it all week. We're not big on presents around here, more into creating we've been racking our brains trying to figure out what to do for him. Of course, Daddy came through and is taking him here. Jordan is hosting a motocross event and just the two of them are going. He's going to love it...better than any present he could get. But's a surprise.

And just in case I need to remember how things used to be...

Quaid is a softie through and through. He truly cares about others and has a tender heart. He spends most of his inside time drawing. He loves throwing any sort of ball outside and of course...the dirtbike. He's helpful around the house and loves being the big brother who can help everyone else. I could go on and on in a mom sort of way...but I'll just go with, Quaid this house wouldn't be the same without you...WE LOVE YOU!!

Pics to come later...with cupcakes :)


Melanie B said...

woohoo 6. I cannot believe how fast that has gone. Give him a big squeeze and that I said happy birthday from all of us.

big kisses

Me xx

PS you tell nathan to be careful with that gorgeous boy!!!

DWNUNDR said...

Quaid survived but my sore throat got worse.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... it was fun.. now we just have to start building our own track...

Brittany said...

Quaid is a true gentleman already!

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