Thursday, May 3, 2012

Recent Happenings

Just thought I'd fill in with a few things we've been up to...

Quaid took a spill off his dirt bike 2 days ago.  I was sitting inside playing cards with my awesome sister Nancy.  We heard this high pitched screaming...we couldn't make out if it was fun screaming or angry screaming, or hurt screaming.  Usually a mother knows the cry of her children.  Usually I do.  But I had never heard that sound in the near 8 years Quaid has been my son.  Now I know.  It's a hurt cry.  I looked out the window to see his dirt bike laying on it's side and him limping through the grass.  My first thought, as sad as it is...Oh comes a $10,000 surgery bill!!  Followed by....GOOD!!  He's walking!!!  He's got a few patches of nice greenish purple coloring and some cuts but that's about it.  Oh, and a bent handle bar.  Handle bar vs femur...thankfully the femur won!!

Yesterday morning I had to scrub maple syrup off my kitchen ceiling...Don't ask...I just thought it was worth mentioning.

The kids and I made a paper chain for the days left until we leave for Australia to visit Nathan's family...we're not leaving until Feb's a LONG chain :)  But oh so fun. 

I have a serious farmers tan from mowing lawn yesterday.  It crossed my mind that I might want to roll my T-shirt sleeves up...but then I thought...It's only May I really going to get a sunburn May 2nd??  Yes...yes I did.

I learned that 3 year olds don't have the slightest bit of concern about sitting and playing in a sandbox with no undies on.  Me on the other hand...I think I had enough concern for the both of us.

I feel for my little Jentzen.  Ava had a sleepover at her cousins house, Quaid had a sleepover at his cousins house.  Poor Jentzen...his closest boy cousin is 5 years on either side.  Total bummer.  Anyone have a 5 year old boy cousin I can borrow?? 

I'm going out of town for the weekend.  I wonder who will miss me the most...I'm going to go with Ava.  I don't think Daddy understands her female need to be constantly talking to someone all day...especially when it's asking question after question that she already knows the answer to just for the sake of talking.

I'm sure there's more, but I'm going to end right there...just for the sake of not writing, just to write :)

Dont forget.. I cut my hair when you were away....


Melanie B said...

oh Kaz loved this. Ava talking try 3 girls. ooops thats right you have two.....ROFL.
Miss you guys!!

M xxx

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