Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This is Ava. This is Ava's hair. This is Ava electrocuted.

Not really but doesn't it look like it!! I am baffled. How on earth does her hair look like this when she gets up?? The sides perfect like a princess sleeping. The back...well there's just no words. She must lay on her back and then rub her head back and forth all night long, all while sleeping! Truly, I think it's a talent.

PS...Ava was NOT happy I was taking this picture. She was all excited when I was taking the camera out...she loves getting her picture taken. But when she asked why...I told her I was taking a picture of her crazy hair...NOT impressed. She somehow knew that meant she looked sort of funny. When is it that the feeling of embarrassment starts? I never taught her that.


Melanie B said...

That is sooo funny. Livs hair is like that bu not as long & I have wondered what she does too!! The mind boggles!!!

M xx

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