Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vacuum Day

Wednesday is Vacuum Day. I do one part of cleaning every day...much easier that way. So Wednesday being vacuum day means Tuesday night is "get the house ready for vacuum day." Quaid and Ava were doing the toy room and Jentzen was told to go to his bedroom and clean up. I was cleaning up after dinner...isn't there some unspoken rule that the cook never cleans up? Hhhhmmmmm, I guess that rule doesn't apply in the Walkington's...anyway, from time to time...

"Jentzen, how are you doing up there?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yep, I'm almost done!!"

Wow I thought, there is definitely no hurry in Jentzen's life. He's usually dragging behind, the last one to put his shoes on, the last one dressed, and he's been known to spread his three course dining over 2 1/2 hours. So when he said he was almost done, I was shocked!!

I ran up to find this...
Not bad at all! Not a toy in his room! But what I failed to mention is this was the sight right outside his door...

Yep, that's right...he just chucked everything out of his room all over the hallway! I couldn't be irritated at that. It was sort of ingenious. His room was perfectly clean...just like I asked him. I hadn't mentioned anything about the hallway. And as you can see from the hall...his room was quite a mess that was a lot of clearing out! He had indeed been working hard at it!

And the little vacuum himself...caught in action! Lesson a little more exact with my instructions.


DWNUNDR said...

not to mention the pile on his bed

Karen said...

the pile on his bed is his "quiet reading time" material for dim night lights...I'm sure there's some books in there somewhere :)

Melanie B said...

Oh my gosh that is crack up funny I was laughing soooo hard!! At least it was out of his room. I always tell the girls it will go in the garbage, the other day perfectly clean till I looked under the bed!!! ROFL plus lulu says quick liv or mummy will throw it all out!!! Bahahahhahahh the things we do. One day they even said but that's your job mum!!! Lol

can't wait to see them they are characters!!!

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