Thursday, April 15, 2010

She talks...

So Keira has been picking up a few words here and there.

Word #1: Shirt

No we all know that kids have trouble with saying the letter "r." So take out the letter "r" and that's what she says. Nice.

Word #3: Sit

This she learned as we were grocery shopping and she continually tried to climb out of the cart. She also has perfected the word "shoe." So pretty much the "sh" sound comes out in any word that's remotely close. Say the "sh" sound for the "s" in "sit" and that's what she says. Nice.

Yep, she's daddy's girl.


Brittany said...

Oh my goodness, look at how long her hair has gotten!
Oh, and I see that youve jazzed up your page.. Im liking it!! x

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