Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I came out of the office the other day to find this...My best bud was best enough to bring me leftover cupcakes from her dad's 80th Birthday Party. Deb and I are convinced we were raised by the same mother. Our mothers are freakishly similar in lots of ways. Except for mother never made us iron bed sheets. My mother despises ironing. Poor Deb. And I just figured it out...our dad's had us at the same age. I will be as old as she is when I'm celebrating my dad's 80th Birthday.

They had green dad loves green as well. If that was the reasoning for the green frosting...
Yes I know my baby has a mullet. It's been kindly pointed out to me before. She's only one. I'm okay with it...for now....and she has a farmer's tan...Horray for Swimshirts!!

Since she had already eaten 4 1/2 of them...right before lunch...I decided to take the few scraps that were left, peeled them out of her hands, and gave them to her brothers who had come in to see why they heard a big, "KEIRA!!!!!"

And then her dear brother picked some up off the floor and handed it back to her.

How quickly she recovers...all was well again.

PS. The snake was dead.

PPS. If you're confused read the previous post.


Melanie B said...

Oh my gosh she is funny!!!
I hate ironing too crazy people iron!!!!! (:

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