Friday, July 22, 2011

The Big 3 - 0

I turned 30 two days ago, July 20th, 2011. I knew it was coming as all birthdays eventually do. I wondered if it would feel any different. Most of my friends have already passed this milestone. My dear friend Jess on her 30th birthday commented how she felt by the time she turned 30, she would have it all together. But somehow when the day actually came she realized that it was not so much like that. I am 30, yet feel like I have way more to learn than I know already. I remember being college aged and looking at the 30 year old crowd and thinking how old and mature they were. And to think that now youngens might be looking at me that way, well it's just plain not true! I'm still working life out, and don't even have it close to figured out! And Praise the Lord that my children are His, because if it's up to me show them the ropes of life...oh boy!

Maybe it will be different when I turn 40...I guess I'll be able to ask Nathan about that soon...he he he :) And if not then, maybe when I turn 60?? I'll be able to ask RW about that soon too :)

Deb took me and the 3 oldest kids out to lunch. I played tic-tac-toe on the menu with Ava, Jentzen got more ketchup on his good shirt than he got in his mouth, and Quaid finished every menu activity and crumb of food there was on his plate. The kids shared my birthday sundae...overall a successful outing.

We then headed off to see "Annie" at the Stages Theater. They patiently waited for it to begin. After the very first scene, about 5 minutes into the show, the lights went dark while they changed the set. "Is it over?" from all the kids. Guess I should take them out more. They're obviously sub-par in the understanding of the arts and theater. Jentzen was quite sure that he did NOT like Miss Hannigan and was asking when Annie was going to come back. Ava must have been sitting on her legs in a way that made her feet fall asleep. My peaceful viewing of the show was interrupted by, "Mom! When I squish my toes, I can't even feel it!!" As they tingled back awake there were some funny faces, groaning, and twisting around in her chair. Is it possible she has never had that happen before??

The fun soon ended and quickly went back to the real life...making dinner, cleaning up the kitchen, and continuing on to cleaning out my basement. Ahhhh...the good life!

It did however end on an up note. My wonderful hubby played two games of Sorry with me. The very best present possible. Although, he walloped me both games...sheesh, it was my birthday and still no mercy! I can't really blame him. We have a running total of wins since we've been married. He wasn't about to let a minor occasion like my 30th birthday ruin his competitive edge. He's a bit ahead of me.....I would have done the same!


Melanie B said...

I have been reading your blog, its hard when I read it on google,facebook but I forget to comment. LOL.
Happy birthday my sweet sis. Hope you had a great day. And did you know 30 is the new 20 but with more wisdom and wrinkles I would say!!! ha.
love you

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